Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Cosmetic Dentistry (Esthetic Fillings)

Esthetic Fillings of Black's Class I Case
Small Cavities appear on the occlusal surface of lower left first molar after calculus and stain have been removed, the prepared tooth was cleaned and bonded with self-etch technique, using opaquers, opaque composite (dentin shade), translucent enamel and clear shade before coated

Courtesy of Tb. Iman Wahyu Kusumadirja, SKG., drg., MM.


Anonymous said...

saya mempunyai masalah serupa 2 tahun yang lalu, tetapi ditambal dengan logam, skrg sisi belakangnya pecah, apakah ada solusi untuk penambalan estetis seperti gambar pd kasus saya,ditunggu... thanks... (tommy)

Anonymous said...

hi dokter iman, salam kenal saya riri mahasiwa FKG, mau request kalo boleh ditambahin lagi dong gambar2 penambalan gigi estetis untuk kelas 2 s/d 5, kalo ada veneer composite juga oke, mau belajar! siapa tau malah bisa jadi pasien hehehe2x tengkyu

Anonymous said...

hi name is tony i'm a 34 years old dentist from singapore,i find your blog very unique,
straight to the case,i always have problems with class 2 cavity! can you show me some of your work and maybe share your experiences with me in your blog or you can mail me (, thank you for your generousity

Anonymous said...

Gigi belakang saya pernah ditambal dengan timah. Tambalannya masih cukup kuat, tetapi sisi belakang giginya pecah. Apa bisa diperbaiki dengan penambalan estetis? Kira2 berapa dana yang dibutuhkan?