Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Sign of Periodontal Disease / Tanda Penyakit Periodontal

1. Gusi mudah berdarah pada saat sikat gigi atau tanpa sebab (parah)
2. Gusi sensitive terhadap penekanan (sakit saat ditekan)
3. Bau mulut
4. Gigi terasa goyang dan sakit bila menggigit/makan
5. Banyak karang gigi dan plak pada gigi
6. Gigi bergeser tanpa sebab
7. Gusi mengeluarkan nanah dari dalamnya

Periodontal Disease / penyakit periodontal

Penyakit periodontal - disebut juga penyakit gusi dan tulang/periodontitis - adalah suatu kondisi dimana terjadi inflamasi atau pembengkakan pada jaringan disekitar gigi yang terinfeksi ditandai dengan kerusakan tulang penyangga gigi dan merupakan salah satu penyebab utama kehilangan gigi dini.
Gingivitis atau radang gusi - kadang disebut gusi berdarah - disebabkan karena infeksi bakteri pada jaringan lunak didalam mulut yang berhubungan dengan tingkat kebersihan gigi dan mulut, gingivitis sering terjadi pada pasien dengan banyak karang gigi.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Sneak Peak (Our Places)

House of Dental Jakarta Timur

Jl. Cipinang Cempedak IV No.9B,
Cipinang Cempedak, Jatinegara
Jakarta Timur, 13340

Ph: +6221 8590 7905

Cosmetic Dentistry (Dental Implant)

Dental Implants
People lose teeth all the time, either through trauma when teeth are knocked out (athletes such as rugby players and boxers commonly experience this) or due to decay, gum disease or old age. Whatever the reason for loosing your teeth they need to be replaced both for aesthetic and functional reasons. The most common treatments for missing teeth are either a denture or a fixed bridge. However, dental implants are now becoming a more popular treatment to replace missing teeth as they provide a longer-term solution, slow down bone loss and preserve nearby healthy tooth tissue.

What is a dental Implant ?
A dental implant is an artificial substitute / replacement for the root portion of your natural tooth and is anchored into a pre-drilled socket in your jaw-bone to support a crown, bridge or secure a denture firmly in place. Implants are made from titanium, a material that is well tolerated by bone and integrates easily with bone tissue. During the placement of a dental implant the goal is to achieve a close contact between the outer surface of the implant and the surrounding bone tissue so they can “fuse” together (osseointegration) creating a stable support for the new teeth.

Am I a suitable candidate for dental implants?
Dental Implants can be placed in patients of any age (with fully developed jawbones) provided that they have sufficient quality and quality of bone tissue available. Most healthy individuals that maintain a good oral hygiene program are suitable candidates for dental implants. Circumstances where implants may not be suitable or situations that have an increased risk of implant failure include: Heavy smoking (this slows down and hinders the healing process), Excessive alcohol intake (disrupts healing of the gums), Periodontal gum disease (all active gum disease must be treated prior to any implant procedure to ensure long term success of any treatment. Periodontal disease is a major cause of bone loss, which would hinder the success of any implant procedure). Immuno-compromised individuals (steroids, auto-immune disease, patients undergoing radiation treatment). Teeth grinders/bruxism (a night time splint can be given to treat this).

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

HODCAA CEC Study Club for Dentist

We're here to generate and provide study forum for dentist and final year student so that continuing education can be perform to support daily practice for every dentist in their office, No boundaries and limitation for topics, partisipant and lecturer.
Join IMDCE Study Club Now....

for more information and registration please email imankusumadirja@gmail.com

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Cosmetic Dentistry (Esthetic Fillings)

Esthetic Fillings of Black's Class I Case
Small Cavities appear on the occlusal surface of lower left first molar after calculus and stain have been removed, the prepared tooth was cleaned and bonded with self-etch technique, using opaquers, opaque composite (dentin shade), translucent enamel and clear shade before coated

Courtesy of Tb. Iman Wahyu Kusumadirja, SKG., drg., MM.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Smile Makeover

Senyum yang indah dan terlihat alami adalah hal yang sangat diinginkan oleh semua orang, tetapi keadaan gigi dan mulut yang kurang menunjang mempengaruhi kesehatan dan kualitas hidup seseorang seperti kepercayaan diri, penampilan dan penilaian orang lain.

Esthetic and cosmetic dentistry memungkinkan anda untuk memperbaiki, memperbaharui dan mencapai kesehatan gigi dan mulut menyeluruh melalui pertimbangan estetika walaupun dengan kondisi gigi dan mulut yang buruk sekalipun menggunakan kombinasi perawatan seperti penggunaan braces, esthetic filling, porcelain atau composite veneer, implant, gigi tiruan cekat maupun lepasan, pemutihan gigi dan lain-lain.

So even if your mouth is a complete mess, our expertise can give you the smile of your dream.
To learn more about how we can help you with your smile please feel free to request more information from our staff or costumer care

Dental Healthcare Management System

Program ini akan memberikan solusi terhadap masalah kesehatan, penampilan dan pemeliharaan kondisi gigi dan mulut anda dan keluarga dimulai dari penanganan keluhan utama, keluhan atau masalah yang tidak disadari oleh pasien hingga pemeliharaan rutin melalui pendekatan dan tindakan dengan pertimbangan estetika.

Konsultasikan masalah gigi dan mulut anda dengan tim dokter gigi kami, tim kami akan memberikan solusi penanganan kesehatan gigi dan mulut secara sistematis dengan metode klinis modern dikombinasikan dengan program Dental Healthcare management system kami, karena program ini akan menjadi asisten pribadi anda dalam pengaturan, penjadwalan, perencanaan serta pelaksanaan pemeliharaan kesehatan gigi dan mulut anda atau bahkan keluarga anda secara berkala

Welcome to House of Dental

greetings...welcome to our blog, we provide useful information about dentistry for you and your family, solving dental problems and do smile makeovers...please do not hasitate to e-mail or contact us for more information...